
Zombie Strokes 3D - Review

1 Mins read
Cross Posted from Its been around 2 years since I moved away from Hard Core PC Gaming to online Flash games /…

MGM with Digient Mobile Team

3 Mins read
PLAN: I bought 6 coupons using Spencer/Coke offer for MNM, planning to go with Digient Mobile team. After discussion, Avis Manoj told…

Yelagiri Adventures

3 Mins read
Last weekend(27/2/10 – 28/2/10) was awesome, We had an awesome trip in office to Yelagiri Hills. Flying Idlis: The bus started from…

Adra Adra !!!

2 Mins read
My dream is to develop games, that reflects Indian Culture, Indian History and based on Indian Myths and exclusively targeted for Indian…

Time for Something Serious

1 Mins read
The last 4 months in my life had seen some significant changes, both ups and downs. Some made me happy, and some…