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Those Horrible Days

1 Mins read
Last Friday night, I took my Mom to a nearby Clinic as it was paining in her leg. Everything went normal till we met the Doc. While speaking to the doc, my mom felt dizzied and she fainted. It was the first time, I saw my mom fainting down. I was very frightened and the doctor said it was because of low sugar level and told me to buy her sweet cool drinks. I did, but she didn’t woke up for the next 30 minutes. I was very frightened and called up my friend, Alex Raj. He showed up in some minutes and my mom still didnt woke up.

The doc told to take my mom to Raju Hospital in T.Nagar and admit there. Then, we took her to the Raju hospital by auto and admitted her. The docs took her to ICU and ran a quick blood test and found that the blood sugar level was 40, which must be around 140 normally. Then, they injected 3 bottles of glucose which raised the sugar level to 68 and then she woke up. I was very happy to see her again.

The next day afternoon mom was moved from ICU to normal ward and she was normal by that time. But the doctor told to remain in the hospital for 1 more night and discharged her on Sunday morning. She is okay now, but still in bed rest.

Very very thanks to my friends Alex, Alagappan, Karthik, Vivek, Sridhar, Arun balaji; my neighbors Loganathan, Bhagavathi, Padmavathi, Selvi; and my uncle Jayakanthan and aunt Kalyani who helped me out in those dreadful times. Now also my father showed up his real face by not showing up and till now he didnt know what had happened.


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