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Is it for Real? I wish NO

1 Mins read
It happens occasionally, that I get to see you in my dreams and wish that the dream be true and the reality be a dream. But in all those dreams, except the recent one, things were much smoother, joyful and the dreams got punched into my mind as some real positive memories with you. Though I never got a chance to hang out with you, even in dreams 😛
On those mornings, after I wake from the `real` dreams, I wonder if Telepathy / ESP actually is true and you are conveying your joy with me.

But yesterday, it was very different. It was totally unexpected. It was horrible. It was a NIGHTMARE, which seemed SO real. But I wish now, Telepathy / ESP be well damned and its nothing but an empty dream, inside my void Brain.

And of course, I take this as a signal to start writing the remaining episodes !!!

Wish All is well there !!! Stay happy, Live your Life 🙂

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