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Adra Adra !!!

2 Mins read
My dream is to develop games, that reflects Indian Culture, Indian History and based on Indian Myths and exclusively targeted for Indian Audience.


So, I decided a long back to develop a simple, much localized Facebook game. My friend Jyothiswaroop tagged along with me. We started this “Adra Adra” project some 4 months back. We were very particular about keeping the game logic simple, because both of us were new to Flash game programming and had absolutely 0 knowledge of FB SDK. So, we made a realizable objective of developing very simple game(even if its not so good to play), so that it would be easy for us to research and study on the technologies to develop the game rather than the game logic.
Project Stalled:
We completed 50% of the game in a month, but we got stuck up while integrating the game into Facebook. Because of the new FB Open Graph API and lack of its documentation, we stalled the project for a while. Then, Jyothiswaroop got placed in Accenture and he went to Hyderabad and joined there.
I was keeping an eye of Open Graph since then and found some good tutorials few weeks back. Then I started working on Adra Adra project again, completed and released it just yesterday @ 😀
Game Graphics:
Graphics wise, both of us are nubs, even though Jyothi Swaroop is not willing to accept the fact. But we got no one to draw things for us. So, we did the graphics ourselves(with little help from Makesh), which made our game not so appealing to the eye. But, I think we managed to bring the Indian feel to the game through the graphics.
Not so fun:
The game is released well and good, but I should admit that the gameplay is not fun, but boring. Afterall, it is a research project for us that proved our ability to develop Facebook games using Flash. We will definitely bring the FUN factor from our next game and if possible provide improved graphics.
Open Source:
Yes, We are gonna open source our project. We learned a lot from web and its our time to give back something. The code is now messed up with zero OOP practise, worst programming ethics, and much more. I ll host the source on within a few days, then spend another week cleaning up the code, without breaking anything and if possible we try to write a tutorial, that summarizes everything from FB SDK, PHP, SQL, AS3, JS and every other things that we used on this project.
I like to thank all my friends who encouraged, motivated and helped me to realize my goal. Especially, I should mention about SP Karthikeyan(thala), who spent nights with me for testing the game. Thanks thala for everything and for your inspirational words.

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