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Wrote an Exam like never before

1 Mins read
Two days back I was called by my friend, Arun and he requested me to assist a blind guy named Justin in writing his exams. I very gladly accepted to be a Scribe and spoke to Justin through phone. He was doing his final year in B.A. English Literature and he was actually from Namakkal. It seems there were not much people in Namakkal to help him in his exams and so he chose Chennai as his examination Centre. I was very happy that I am going to do something good in my “vetti” time.

Today morning I went to the examination centre at Chrompet sharply at 9:30 AM. Met Justin at the school entrance, spoke to him and took him to the Exam room. I started dictating the Essay questions to him and he was simply smiling. After I read all the questions, I asked him which question to start with. I was stunned at his reaction and at his reply. He told me that he dont know anything, not even a 4 mark and he told me to copy all the answers from the guide, which was safe in his pocket. My conscience kicked in and told me that I went there just to help and not to cheat. I was totally confused and Justin started convincing me to help him out. After a few minutes of thinking, I accepted to copy the answers, as there was no other go. Since there was no Invigilator in our hall, it was not very hard to copy all the four 20 mark questions.

We finished the exam well and good today. Still he have exams till Sunday. So I am going to write for all his exams. From tomorrow, my friend Arun will also accompany me to assist a friend of Justin in her exams.

But the next time I am signing up for this Scribe job, I will assure that the person knows something and I am not going to be a copy cat.


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