The story revolves around an abnormally brilliant japanese student, Light Yagami(aka Kira), who finds a notebook (DeathNote) that poses the power to kill people. Light Yagami is tired of this corrupted world, where there is no justice. I have to say here that Light Yagami’s sense of justice matches exactly mine and I started searching for Death Note myself after watching this anime 😛
So, with the Death Note he is trying to create a perfect new world, by eliminating all those people who dont live a honest life. But he is cornered and threatened by the world’s greatest detective, L. The anime beautifully explains the battle between those greatest minds on earth.
He is the best character in this anime with the aliases Hideki Ryuga, Ryuzaki and many more. But no one knows his original name. L is the representation of Justice, symbol of Intelligence and a brilliant character. He easily became one of my favorite anime character.
About the death of L, though its logically perfect for L to die at such situation, I couldn’t stand it. Even I started to hate watching the episodes after the death of L, but I finished watching it for the sake of finishing it.
Ryuk is the Shinigami who dropped the Death Note in human world and came after it to the human world for some fun. He is a very expressive character and funny character. I like him too.

The BGM and the Title song was perfect and complemented the visuals well. Over all Death Note is a short and sweet, twisty amazing anime, that no anime fans should miss.
Some of my favourite quotes from Death Note (listing out only a few, as I forgot many):
- All humans, without exception, will eventually die.
- Those who oppose that god, they are the ones who are truly evil!
- Justice will prevail no matter what.
- Kira is childish and he hates losing. I’m also childish and hate to lose. That’s how I know.
- I’m pleased to meet you at last, L Number Two.
- Humans are so… interesting …
I want to tell you, I am L
L: Matsuda’s acting stupid again.
Light: Well, that is his speciality.
Matsuda: I can hear you, you know…
Matsuda: I wonder, is it about ten million dollars?
Ryuk: How many apples could I buy with that?
Matsuda: Ryuuzaki, is there anything else I can do to help? Besides the manager job?
L: You want to be useful?
Matsuda: Yes!
L: Then go get me some coffee.