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Time for Something Serious

1 Mins read

The last 4 months in my life had seen some significant changes, both ups and downs. Some made me happy, and some made me crazy. But, in the end, this changes made me to live my life on my own, from here on. Though I didn’t expected things like these will happen, I am happy with it. Because I am not the kind of person, who feels bad about what happened yesterday nor getting frightened about the future. I love to live my life today in my own way.

I am very very happy that I started my Career as I always loved to. But still, I am not fully contented with it. I always thought of getting into PC Gaming industry. But because I had not many options I signed up as Flash Game Developer in Digient Technologies, and ended up as iPhone Game Developer. So, I decided to keep in touch with PC Gaming, by developing games on my own.
More than all this, I am now forced to a situation where I need to earn more. So, I decided to do freelancing in my free time. Already started preparing things for that and registered myself at various freelancing sites. I am going to fully concentrate on these things and so no gaming, movies and fun for some time, till I finish atleast one freelancing project successfully. Hope things go well as I planned.

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