Gudibande Trek
March started with a 1 day trek to Gudibande fort. It’s super dry, I mean super super dry (look at the photos) and hot. Still loved the climbing part.
33 orders for NGO Websites 😀
Reached out to all 6700+ NGO in Tamil nadu and got orders to build High quality, affordable websites for 32 NGOs, of which 25 are completely not in my circle. That’s just a 0.37% conversion, still 32 is a decent number to work on initially.
Getting the order is a major milestone, but still it is just a starting point of a lengthy pathway, which includes:
- Getting the contents (including high quality Images),
- Building the website,
- Getting feedback and improving (multiple iterations will happen here),
- Getting the approval from entire NGO Core team (here major feedbacks will come again)
- Going Live.
Apart from building the Static website with Donation capability, we are adding some key functionalities to the whole package. The top being Event/Activity module is already partially built into all our templates. More on pipeline.
I am building an Alliance
Now that 3 student interns (more about them later) are working on the Tech side, the bottleneck is on Biz development side (Reaching out new NGOs, getting contents from them and delivering). Started reaching out to find people for this task in various channels from Internshala to Jagriti Yatra groups, etc.,
While all this is happening on one side, I spent 4 hours of one Sunday watching ‘Justice League Snyder Cut’ and this specific 5 seconds of the entire 4h movie resonated with me deeeeply!
Dear reader If you think you have the super powers to help our mission of ‘Bring a million NGOs online‘, reach out to me through

Bitcoin Webinar
Finally, did the long awaited Bitcoin webinar in both English and Tamil. Almost we got 70 registrations and 40+ attendees for both the sessions.
Bitcoin in a crux. Do watch the Videos for more…
And Bitcoin is that revolution, that is happening almost a century later.
Marina swimming
Did early morning bare foot jogging at Marina and was having fun in the water. Of all these years got a surprising sight there. Saw couple of big fishes swimming some 0.5 to 1 kms from the shore. I desperately wanted to go deep near them. But 1 kms inside is way beyond my stamina level and I literally swim like a turtle and they are super fast. Just came out to those shore to shoot some videos. Anyone can tell me what they are? Are they Dolphins?!
What’s for Q2, 2021
- A Super hero working full time focusing on Business Development.
- At least 250 orders in hand.
- Having delivered affordable High quality websites for 100 NGOs.
- Next *secret* Grand plans from paper to execution.