Buying Bitcoin IS political activism - activism that works.


Week 3, 4, 5: 2021 – Wallstreet got Wallstreeted

1 Mins read

Continuing travel from last week (Cuddalore) to Nagapattinam and to Native – Pattukottai. Few snaps.

On Grassroots

NGO Self Signup:

All these days (or years), NGOs had to be registered manually. Now as we are planning to onboard a huge number of NGO in near future, I setup a Self signup page, where any NGO can register themselves. There is an internal approval process though.

Team Formation

Too much things in hand and working all by myself is not going proper. Looking to get Interns and reaching out to people. Hoping to form a team in a month or two.

NGO Websites

So the idea right now is to bundle up everything we have done so far

  1. Recurring Fundraiser
  2. E-Receipts
  3. One Time Fundraiser
  4. NGO Profile

and provide it as a Website service for NGOs. Something like, but for NGOs. Reached out to number of NGOs and got order from 10 NGOs 🙂

Feb month target is to deliver these 10 NGO websites with loads of love. Respective post is at

Epicness: Wall street got Wallstreeted <3

2021 is starting out in a Epic way. These Reddit guys fked up Wall street Hedge funds in a huge way.

What “Occupy Wall Street” movement tried to achieve, but failed in 2011; These Reddit guys achieved from the comfort of their Home in a week time.

The only difference is, There is no blood shed, and the Wall street lost this time. But this ended ugly with Robinhood app, blocking people from buying GameStop shares. So much for the ‘free’ market!

Hold on people, Bitcoin and DeFi is coming, to fuck up these Gatekeepers (Robinhood) who rig the game by favoring the Big guys!

Good summary of what had happened:


  1. Lost in Space – Netflix Series – Thanks you Hitesh, for the Netflix 😀
    1. Space, Adventure, Alpha Centauri, Alien Intelligence. What else do I need!
  2. Virumandi – Yes. Somehow me and mom missed this. So just catching up!

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