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JY 2017

Jagriti Yatra 2017 – Day 1 – Dec 24: Actual Start – All set for Yatra

2 Mins read

At Ravindra Natya Mandir, Mumbai.

Initiated 4 step long registration process and started interacting with the seeds of Future India, fellow Yatris, who all gathered from all around India. Everyone including me was like 200% excited about the Yatra. Met loads of interesting people about whom I will write in future posts as I interact more with them.

Jagriti Yatra 2017 registrations

Met with the following people from Tamilnadu

  1. Vinodh Rajah – From Science vision Foundation
  2. Shenbagam – Psychology Master from MSSW, Egmore
  3. Raj Kumar – Super amazing Photographer, I ever met. Check his instagram profile.
  4. Sarumathi – Engineering student.

A spike of Excitement from 200% to 2000%

We were given couple of Pamphlets and I was going through them one by one. Suddenly heart started pumping faster, blood started flowing fast, when I read this specific Pamphlet from Schneider Electric.

Jagriti Yatra

I am a super skeptic by DNA. So though I am excited on one side, I also remember how Shell does Responsible, Sustainable Oil drilling in Arctic. So taking these words with just a Grain of salt.

Inauguration @ 2PM

The function started in a Mega hall. It was super packed with an amazing agenda including

  • Inspiring Talk from key personalities from Jagriti core team
  • Cultural events – Singing, Music, Dance, etc.,
  • Jagriti Yatra – How it all started in 1997
  • Vision of this Journey, Jagriti Yatra
  • Dabba Wallah Talk – Though I couldnt understand a word (in Hindi), it was somehow soul touching!
  • and more importantly – The 15 year window that we got and they need to Speed up – More on this later
Shashank Mani Briefing Yatris | Jagriti Yatra
Mr. Shashank Mani briefing on the Vision of Jagriti Yatra

3rd time regretting not learning Hindi

  1. It was in 2011, when I couldn’t understand a word of Anna Hazare, during IAC Movement.
  2. Next in 2013, during Arvind Kejriwal, AAP, Delhi revolution
  3. The 3rd time here in Jagriti Yatra Inauguration function. Hell with me.

There shouldn’t be a 4th time. I firmly resolve to learn Hindi in 2018!

Though I couldn’t understand things word by word, the emotions, the Vision are all conveyed through the Heat of the Environment.

All set and Go:

We started from the Hall around 11 PM in bus to CSMR. Then we boarded train at around 2AM and the amazing trip of

  • 8000 kms
  • 500 Yatris
  • 75 Facilitators
  • 15 Role models
  • 12 Cities

through the massive Asian subcontinet started.

Jagriti Yatra train
Jagriti Yatra train

Had a excellent start today. Very curiously looking forward to the next life turning 14 days.

For other day experiences, visit the Summary page

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