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Elections 2014 – Excited and saddened about it !!!

6 Mins read
Its almost 3 years since I casted (wasted) my first vote. Its been a long time, but looks very short. At that time I had no hope on any parties and hence my decision to opt for 49-O. The general population  seems to vote for a party, which seems to be lesser evil than the other. Of course, the party which seemed to be lesser evil, gets switched every term. But I was very clear on my decision that I should never go for such logic; If some party is evil, however lesser it might be, I decided not to support it. Also I promised myself that I should do my R & D on Individual candidates next time and If I could find any genuine and honest person with good Intent, I should vote for them.

In past 3 years – India Against Corruption

We all seen IAC movement and Anna Hazare became my role model. Myself, Bharat Kumar, Alexraj and Rooban Ponraj went to fasting venues on our weekends and supported the movement to our own capacity. I was deeply touched, moved on seeing a whole bunch of people fasting for the goodness of my country. I never thought this much of people cared for my country and I was proved wrong. I felt sooo happy from the bottom of my heart.

Though I had a good understanding of what the movement is about, the Jan Lok Pal is about, I never understood it fully. I couldn’t answer (very few) people who is against it, who questioned the Jan Lok Pal. I couldn’t answer myself on how it will be different from current systems like CBI, etc., But I turned myself little blind towards that. Though I never had a complete picture, I believed it (blindly) since so much people came to the streets for it, It should be the `Magic Wand` that gonna accelerate my country’s growth by fixing on Corruption.

Explorations on RTI and revelation of a Clean Party, Lok Satta Party !!!

When myself and Alex started exploring the RTI and started Adyar and Cooum River RTI project, we got contacted by a guy Ashok Rajendran via online. We decided to meet up with him, when he briefed us on Lok Satta Party. I was very much excited and also skeptic (as always) on hearing about LSP and started R & D on them online. I read through their reforms, their previous works, about Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, just their tag line “New Politics for a New Generation” and it was seemed very genuine and motivational.

A bell rand inside my head, that my search for a clean honest party came to an end, with the Intro of Lok Satta Party 🙂 I decided that I will be voting for them next time and not 49-O. Then myself and Alexraj visited their office, participated in certain meetings and was really motivated to see a bunch of youngsters (some from IT) doing social work through a clean party.

I never spoke or even though about Politics before in a curious way. For me, Politics was a Dead Sewage that one should be away from. But Dr. JP’s words

Answer to Bad Politics is Good Politics, Not No Politics

Those words resonated in mind and then it seemed very obvious and so right for me. Then I realized Politics is not a garbage, but current people in it (speaking of majority). Changing this scenario is very much possible, but its just that clean, honest people need to join hands.

The Big Wave, AAP

Then somehow, I read this news on some guy named Arvind Kejriwal, who is collecting signed petitions from Delhi residents saying that “they wont pay electric bills as they are so damned high” and submitting all the petitions to the Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dixit. He was speaking openly on nexus between the Delhi CM and Electric Companies in Delhi. The number of petitions collected, which is in millions really inspired me and I started watching this guy CLOSELY.

Then only I read that he was one of the master mind behind IAC. Anna Hazare is only the public face, but there were around 10 people behind the scenes and Arvind Kejriwal is one of them. AK’s connection with IAC motivated me to the skies. I felt awesome for its not just LSP, but also AAP now. But AAP is not in TN yet. They focused only on Delhi and that is good for them, I believed.

Delhi Elections – PURE AWESOMENESS !!!

Delhi Elections were nearing and I was so excited and closely following Politics. For the first time in my life, I started watching NEWS, started reading Newspapers and that too on Politics !!! Added a guy in Delhi via FB and getting updates from him on what’s happening at Ground Zero. Elections were over and I was biting nails and my mom too. Yes, she also got much inspired by AAP and Arvind Kejriwal, by the idea that Clean Politics where all donations are posted online is possible and not a distant dream.

I was wishing from my heart that at least AK wins against Sheila Dixit and AAP gets atleast a couple of seats. The results came out and IT WAS TRULY MINDBLOWING. AAP got 28 of 70 seats. Myself and Mom were dancing together that day, we celebrated the victory of a Common Man. For me, Kejriwal represented “Unnai Pol Oruvan Kamal” in real life !!!

That’s me and Mom 🙂

49 Days

Each day was a complete excitement. I was following them day by day, their every moves and I felt like my days were never better before. Fulfilling their promises, making marvelous moves against BJP and Congress. LSP’s tagline “New Politics for New Generation” fit well with AAP.

One monday morning, I woke up at 5 AM and logged into FB and shocked to see my hero, Kejriwal sleeping in road asking the Police Control in that early morning in Delhi. Tears shed !!! OTHA, What a man he is !!! He is truly a Messiah, the saviour !!!

Then Jan Lokpal is about to be passed. The Most exciting time of all. But the uncertain situation turned unfortunate, since the other parties protested against Jan Lokpal and shown 0 intent in letting the Bill get passed. Unexpectedly (atleast for me), AAP government resigned stating that “They took power to serve people to pass right bills and If they can’t do it, then no point in being in power. They told that will come back in full majority and pass the bill”.

This logic was not acceptable by me (with my small knowledge and varied twisted sense of Justice). It was a major disappointment for me. There were also other minor conflicts with my own logic and Kejriwal’s logic. But those didn’t matter much. But resigning!! I simply couldn’t accept it.


Though there were minor and major conflicts with my personal opinion and AAP’s moves, there was no option of moving away from AAP. Since they are one of the honest Elf that I found in the horde of Orcs.

Couple of my friends started picking on AAP and I couldn’t defend AAP to the fullest in the discussions with them, since I myself has conflicts with their moves.

On Freebies

When people blame on Electricity and Water schemes passed by AAP, I just couldn’t stand !!! As an Individual, I can buy my domestics needs like TV, Fridge, Mixie, Cycle, Bike; but things like Water source, Electric Source, Road Infrastructure can’t be handled by individuals and that is why Government is setup and they take care of those.

When parties do provide the former domestic appliances through Populistic schemes, there is little fuss about it. But when AAP government takes care of the latter, which they are supposed to be, people go Insane !!!

On Resignation

Its not just you. I was also hurt by this decision of Resignation, for following their words 100% like a machine, for not being flexible in our damned reality. But this doesn’t make them evil in any ways, in any perspective. But it made them better. It was a crystal clear message that they don’t care about power, that I already believed in. But its a strong message to those AAP skeptics.

Now What?

I was trying to talk to people and make them understand that the above things doesn’t make AAP evil and make BJP any better than AAP. But its just some people can’t understand it seems.

I am yet to decide between LSP / AAP. But I am very happy that I still with my logic of not to vote for lesser evil and I got 2 golden gems to support for. But again its very unfortunate that AAP / LSP didnt get to work together, though their ideologies are so similar. Is It AAP’s ego? May be.. But thats another topic of discussion.

and yes, It hurts me badly, when people call AAP a failure or even worst, call Arvind Kejriwal, a psycho / Dharna CM, but don’t stop your words. Keep reciting them, its just that I need to take things easily !!!


India is a very vast country and I feel sad for people voting for MODI, believing he alone can change the whole world, not caring about the other party members !!!

Some MODI Supporter, please try to understand this and answer yourself:
Modi’s 70% of Twitter followers are fake account with random name, default profile pic, no tweets, no followers. WHY IS THAT? Is Modi Good or Evil ?

Let all my political frustrations out, now that I shall sleep well, I believe !!!

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