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2 Cups for me Today

1 Mins read
For the past 2 days, there were a number of hot rumors among the Engineering students that the result will be announced soon… But, there were no symptoms of that in Anna University web site.

Today, I went to College with my friend Kalaiselvan to do some Symposium Poster Designing work and after a while, we went to Mess for lunch. When we were eating, a message came from my friend Yuvaraj that the results are announced. I thought that he is just kidding. But, on seeing the next few messages I too believed that it was really true and I texted him my reg. no. In a few minutes, he texted me that I have

2 Arrears🙂

I was so happy to hear that the result was just 2 as I expected and nothing bad. But, I was surprised to see that the failed subjects are Mobile Computing and Graphics and Multimedia. I never expected that I would fail in Graphics and I thought the second one would be Component Based Technology. So, still I have some hope now that I could still clear the Graphics and Multimedia paper by applying for Reevaluation:-)

I am still very very happy that my results are nothing when compared to this

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