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Startup peer support group in Chennai – Calling The Entrepreneurs in my Circle

2 Mins read

What makes Startup failures particularly painful is not just the economic damage done to individual employees, companies and investors; they are also a collosal waste of our civilization’s most precious resource: the time, passion and skill of its people.

– Lean Startup book
Pretty much my 2017

They say 90% of the startup fail. Why? A Startup is not a

  • 1002th Hotel in your City,
  • 15th Clinic in your Neighbourhood,
  • 546th Internet cafe in your area.

But a startup is

  • First online platform to connect people who like to learn Karate with Martial arts masters in the City
  • First website that provides a crowd pooled Crypto Investment platform in your area.
  • First SaaS platform that provides affordable, high quality website to NGOs (Grassroots <3)

What ever the idea, the product may be,
The idea is new, the Market psychology is new, Your needs to invent your Sales playbook, Employees recruited through Naukri won’t do good in your Startup. Maybe you dont’ even have funds do your first recruit. Everything is new!

But then, your attachment to the Idea, your confidence level is sky high (Atleast the first time). What else could go wrong?

So what’s the deal here?

Startup School based Peer support group


  • Tech (from Coding UI to backend, Making architecture, Picking right frameworks, themes),
  • Sales (Mass marketing to find potential leads to negotiating the connected leads),
  • Hiring (Again finding people to Interviewing them to onboarding them),
  • Project management (what priority tasks to assign the team and supporting them),
  • Fundraising (Looking up at Incubators, VCs to applying to them),
  • Doing Legal/Admin stuffs,
  • And of course Dreaming…

It’s so easy to get lost with the priorities and do what we like, rather than what is required. Hence I hope a small group of 3-5 people catching up every week will help solve the problem and keep the founders razor sharp on putting the time and energy on ‘what matters’. Actually, this is my top priority need at the moment. To get peer review / validation on what I do!

This group of 3-5 people will meet every week to

  • Present last week Status update and Challenges
  • Next week Plan and why
  • And get hit, get criticised by the peers.

The above will help us to make sure we are doing ‘what matters’.

Some pre-requisites to join this group:

  • Startup School Certification
    • To make sure we are all in one page, on how we view a Startup.
  • Being brutally honest
    • See the video again. Before the Market does it’s thing, we need to do it among ourselves.
  • Being Super vulnerable and Being humble

Are you in?

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