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JY 2017

Jagriti Yatra 2017 – Day 5 – Dec 28: Namma Bengaluru

2 Mins read

We reached India’s IT Park, Bangalore early morning. And started to Indian Institute of Science, where a tightly packed amazing activities awaited us. I took detailed Notes on everything happened, but not posting them all here. If anyone would like to see complete notes (in my Poor handwriting) or is willing to support in moving the details here, reach me @ +919952998132 /

IISC Auditorium | Jagriti Yatra
IISC Auditorium

1. Jagriti Enterprise Mela (JEM)

We were briefed on JEM, which is a festival of Enterprises among many verticals.

2. Aao hostels

We were briefed by Mahendra on his startup, Aao hostels.

  1. 15% returning customers
  2. Aao is not just about stay, but have many activities like Yoga, which Guests can opt in
  3. Funded by Government of Karnataka, for their Unique ideas. State funded Hostel. Amazing!
  4. Also working with Government on policy levels, to regular this Vertical

3. LabourNet

Briefed by the founder, Dr. Gayathri Vasudevan. Has 2 entities.

  1. One is Non for Profit, where they execute new Ideas.
  2. Other is LabourNet, where more stable Idea are moved.

Link to LabourNet.

4. Kathalaya, Academy of Story telling

Mesmerising talk by Mrs. Geetha Ramanujam, that I forgot to take Notes for her Session.
Link to Kathalya.

Embedding a video to give a glimpse of her Performance

5. Osama Manzar, Digital empowerment Foundation

  1. Made Ocean in a drop Film
  2. Osama did extreme, insane things that 1 wont even could think of. And he says, taking Risks, being Insane should be in the DNA of the Entrepreneur. Hell yeah. I totally agree!
  3. Business is part of Life. Life is not part of Business.
  4. Wrote the book, “Internect Economy of India” in the year 2000, which became an Internet phenomenon in India.
  5. World’s best leaders are world’s best communicators.

Link to Digital Empowerment Foundation.

6. Art of Change 21

  1. An organization on Art, Culture and Sustanibility.
  2. Their idea is to bring awareness on Climate Change.
  3. One of their initiative is Maskbook, which are field Campaigns, where they encourage People to make creative masks that depict Air pollution, Climate change with locally bought Recyclable wastes.
  4. One of their Initiative to spread awareness is a Game called, Caire Game . Wow! Seriously, I couldnt believe. But wait, there is much more to it.
  5. They are attending Climate Summits for past 3 years.
  6. They launched the Caire game in the Paris climate Summit 2015. Hell yeah!
  7. They are our Role model, about whom we need to study and present here in the Train.
  8. I am 200% in with my whole Heart and Soul.

Looks like too many dots coming together.

Explaining the `Man from 2217 – Plastic beard` to a Art of Change 21 volunteer 

7. The Green Path

  1. Joined the session of Mr. Jayaram, in the last minute.
  2. A Food forest creator and Enthusiast from Bangalore.
  3. I was planning to read a book on Permaculture for 2018. But not zeroed in on any particular book. Got a suggestion from him: 1 Straw Revolution.
  4. His visiting card is made from Leaves of Water Hyacinth and is 100% bio-degradable.

Link to The Green Path.

Unplanned and surprising incident is meeting with Venkat @ IISC. What a pleasant surprise! Also got Sleeping bag from him, which will be useful when I go to the North.

And the day ended with exemplary Impromtou Thetrical performance by Mrs. Nandhini and her team from Yours Truly Theatre.

Yours Truly Theatre | Jagriti Yatra
Yours Truly Theatre

For other day experiences, visit the Summary page

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