Buying Bitcoin IS political activism - activism that works.

JY 2017

Jagriti Yatra 2017 – Day 0 – Dec 22 and Dec 23: Pre – Yatra

2 Mins read

As always it’s a loaded morning with `Big bang kit` support, Auditor visit for RoC filing. Finished the works and hurried to Chennai central to catch the Mumbai train, just at the right time.

Photo album link – Day 0 – Will be updated once I reach Chennai or get good Wifi

27 hours to go to Mumbai

Wow. Off from all works. Only couple of things in my mind.

  1. Start reading `Master Bitcoin` book by Thala Andreas Antonopolous.
  2. Read Jagriti Yatra Welcome note, Handbook properly to see If I prepared good enough.
  3. Have loads and loads and loads of sleep 😀

Because of my recent crypto obsession, I started with Bitcoin book. A day quickly passed and I reached Chatrapathi Shivaji Maharaji Railway (CSMR) Station, checking all above 3 points, completing 3 chapters of Mastering Bitcoin. Through Yatra FB group, I got connected with Vinodh Rajah who is also joining from Tamilnadu.

Chatrapathi Sivaji Maharaj Railway Station
Chatrapathi Sivaji Maharaj Railway Station

Dharavi – World’s 3rd largest slum

Reached Mumbai around 3PM. I put my big baggage in Cloak room and bought a local train ticket to Dadar station. The plan is to visit Dharavi, which is

  • India’a largest and
  • World’s 3rd largest slum
Dharavi slum | India's largest slum
Welcome to Dharavi. India’s largest slum
Dirty river in Mumbai
Just like Adyar, Cooum rivers in Chennai.

Reached Dadar station and took a nice 2.9 kms walk to Dharavi. Walked around the streets of India’s largest slum. Also finished my purchase there at economical rate. After walking for around an hour there, I find Dharavi not much different from Chennai slums except,

  • It’s Grand scale, by Area
  • Housing boards, which looked too old, in comparison with Chennai housing boards.

Just for comparison:

  1. Mumbai – 62% of population lives in Slum [Source]
  2. Delhi – 50% of population lives in Slum [Source]
  3. Chennai – 25% of population lives in Slum [Source]

Note: Data from respective wikipedia pages, at the time of this writing.

Gateway of India

Got a taxi to Matunga station, then a train to CSMR. Again took a quick 2 kms walk to Gateway of India through the now beautiful streets of Mumbai. Was hoping to bump into other Yatris there, but by the time I reached there, they all left. Gateway of India looked absolutely magnificant <3

Gateway of India

As usual fired up wiki to learn more about this super massic Arch.

An intersting note on Gateway of India

It was built by British India to welcome King George V and Queen Mary. But the construction got delayed, so by the time the King George reached India through Mumbai, only a cardboard version of the gate was shown to them.

There was my Thala Swami Vivekanandha’s statue. Whenever, wherever I see his name, status, my energy level get bumped up to very high levels. Meditated couple of minutes there.

Winding up

While walking from CSMT to Gateway of India, I saw double decker buses. It’s been a long wish of mine that MTC launches such buses in Chennai. Not sure when that will get fulfilled. But atleast now, I can travel in that bus in Mumbai. Got into a Double decker bus and reached CSMR.

From the 1st floor of Bus | Pre Yatra | Jagriti Yatra
From the 1st floor of Bus. Hell Yeah!

Super excited for Tomorrow, Day 1 of Jagriti Yatra 2017 – 2918, 10th edition.

Hope I get time to write each day and post it here. But If I am writing, expect super lengthy posts.

For other day experiences, visit the Summary page

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