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Exhaustive but Awesome Weekend – Part 1

3 Mins read
Had a very exhaustive but exciting, adventurous weekend last week.

Office Outing on 15th June, 2013 (Saturday)

An Office outing to VGP Golden Beach Resort was planned in my Office, Smaat Apps (recently rebranded from Maag Studios). This is the first Outing after I joined here. Everyone was told to come to the place sharply at 9 AM on their own.

The previous day everyone was planning on how to go and was getting paired up. I was asking Arun, and Arjun, if they could accompany me and I was ready to ride them. But they already had some other plans it seems. Finally, our awesome Unity Game Developer, Arvind Sudarshan raised his hands to join me and he was very eager to pedal.

I was wondering If we could make it there in my Cycle. But we always had an option of switching to public transit anytime.

Heavy Lifting Hero `Arvind Sudarshan`

Doubles in ECR

I started from home at 7:00 AM and reached Velachery by 7:30 AM. Arvind was waiting for me there and he cycled first. Because of my past experiences, I highly doubted If Arvind have the `thing` to share the pedal with me to VGP and I was also doubtful on myself that If I could pedal with him on my back.

But that day, we broke both my doubts and made it to VGP at 8:55 AM successfully. We stopped in between at 2 places: Tharamani and Thiruvanmiyur to have refreshments. After reaching the place, I was pretty much broke, but Arvind Sudarshan was in good shape.

Everyone else came together in their bikes at 9:00 AM and then we all went in.

Hari, Arun and Arjun playing Chess (yeah, 3 player Chess), with missing Pieces !!!

VGP Golden Beach Resort

We all had breakfast at first, then played Cricket for some time.

  • Myself, Rakesh, Arvind, Lakshmanan, Mohan, Thiru were in one team;
  • while Sree, Arun, Arjun, Shyam, Sankar were in the other;
  • Hari played the middle men.

It was a 8 over match and they bat first and took 37 runs. Our target is 38, and after a big struggle, we lost the match actually, but not our pride 😛

Climate was too hot and everyone was totally exhausted after a match of Cricket. Then we went to a Hall, which looked like a Seminar Hall. Chairs were neatly arranged and we settled in there.
We split ourselves into 2 teams,

  • Team 1 includes myself, Angelina, Mohan, Thiru, Hari, Bharathi, Arun, Jayasree and Sankar
  • and the other Team included Rakesh, Krithiga, Shyam, Sujithra, Lakshmanan, Arvind, Vijayalakshmi, Anu, Arjun and Sree.

and started playing Dumb Sharads. It was super funny, with everyone getting up on stage, trying to explain a movie name with just action and their team trying to guess it. Then after an hour or so, Antakshari was started. As more time passes with Antakshari, I was getting really bored; the sea on the other side is calling me, with its sound of waves. Arvind also was pushing to go to sea.

Time passed fast and it was Lunch time (1:00 PM). We all had lunch and myself and Arvind Sudarshan escaped to  BEACH. As always, It was absolutely awesome there 🙂 We had really great fun. The hard waves, hot sun and our intense activities made us exhausted in 2 hours and we returned back and joined the bunch.

Smaat Apps – Full Team


Then we had Tea, biscuits and went back to our Hall for Partying (just Dance!!!) Though most of us are physically tired already, the scene and the crowd’s Vibe brought in Energy for everyone from nowhere.

Though most of us have no idea of Dancing, we all `tried` something and it was great. Thiru, Arun and Sujithra danced well (I would say professionally), and when no one expected, our admin Jaya Sree, jumped in and danced sema kuthu. She went very really aggressive with her steps and danced awesome. No one expected that from her and she was great 🙂

Shyam’s aggressive steps, Lakshmanan’s long jumps, Rakesh’s acting, Angel mam’s innovative Rounding steps, Krithiga’s Hindi dance steps, Anu’s (whatever she did), Bharathi’s trial and error steps., Hari, Arjun and Sankar’s Guest Visit… It was all so much fun !!! Watching all those videos now, was like watching some a bunch of Charlie Chaplin’s in a single stage. I just couldn’t stop laughing.

King of the Ring, in Carrom

The fun winded up by 5 with a Group photo and most left the resort; while myself, Arun, Sankar, Rakesh, Angelina, Krithiga, Lakshmanan, Thiru, Shyam went to beach and had some fun time there and we left around 6. Cycling back was little pretty exhaustive, but I made it back in an hour.

After such a physically draining (but mentally refreshing) day, I know I am not to rest the next day and it will be even more draining, about which I will write in my next post.

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