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JY 2017

Jagriti Yatra 2017 – Day 11 – Jan 3: Finally @ Deoria, BGT and Uravasi Urvasi

3 Mins read

We reached Deoria station on time @ 6.30 AM. The most coldest place I ever experienced in in my life. But after heating up my body with 2 sets of 10 pushups, I felt totally fine. But still wore the Jacket, just for the sake of following the rules. Got serious shout out yesterday from several on not following Dress code. Shashank mani also emphasized on Dressing in the stage yesterday. But the Sweater and Socks helped a lot today.

Deoria school and Village Visit

We took bus to Deoria village, dropped our Bags in a school where we are supposed to sleep tonight. Then we were taken a tour around the Village. Amazing Village just like my hometown Siruvaviduthi, Pattukottai, Tamilnadu, except for 1 thing: Super chill weather. We are supposed to interact with the villagers, understand their problems, do Idea validation of our BGT plan, etc., But with my amazing (zero) Hindi skill, I stayed away from Villagers interaction and was enjoying the beautiful village.

Rice straw processor in Deoria village
Beautiful Deoria village
Beautiful Deoria Village

BGT Preparation

After lunch, we all sit together with Shrishail, who is a Pune based Solar LED Light manufacturer and a Facilitator in Yatra. We had a good 1 hour discussion (in Hindi) and our Team got some great insights. Then we improved on our Plan with newly got insights. Last 3 hours were very intensive moments. And I had very difficult moment to be sync with everyone with Hindi – English language problem. But we all cooked up something and I cooked up the numbers (as CFO) very well with the support from the whole team.

Intense BGT Preparation | Jagriti Yatra
Intense BGT Preparation

Biz Gyan Tree

Each team went up the stage and pitched their Business idea. Each team is given just 5 minutes time to present their Business solution that will solve a major problem in village, be sustainable and also provide employment to the Villagers.

The overall winner will be awarded with Rs. 50,000 from IIT, Kanpur and also mentorship will be provided. Our team EC03 was called. Meera initiated the Pitch and our CEO, Neelesh explained the whole Idea. As CFO, I did the numbers for Revenue, Costs and Investment plan. After the pitch, we had a intense Q&A session, which Neelesh handled very well.

BGT Presentation | Jagriti Yatra
BGT Presentation
EC03 BGT Group | Jagriti Yatra
EC03 – BGT Group

Culturals and the regular Tamil Ego

Once the high pressure BGT presentation is over, everyone was so relieved. Then we had a much needed Entertaining culturals event. All folks from Tamilnadu gathered with a Plan to sing a Tamil song in the stage. But not for the sake of Arts, Music or Culture. But purely for the sake of the Tamil ego, as usual. The highlight is there is no professional Singer in the group. With this, I can see where this is going. But still for I joined them just to support the people in their Initiative, despite the stupid Intention. The plan is to sing the song “Urvasi urvasi” from the movie Kadhalan.

Entertainment culturals | Jagriti Yatra
The epic “Urvasi Urvasi” gang

Around 20 of us gathered and started prepararing for the song. Our turn came and we all went up the stage. For atleast for half of a minute, we were discussing whether to start or not or wait for the song to be played. As the music is not played, we started singing. After we sung couple of lines, they started the Music. On a parallel track, Anand was asking everyone if someone could give him company to dance and no response. We stopped abruptly and restarted along with the Music.

But our Voice was not as load as the Music. Thanks to Kaushik for ending this on going Embarassement with `Thank You`. We all got down the Stage and that’s it. It was followed by real Artists doing their Performance for the love of Arts. We all then took a Selfie and disbanded.

And it was amazing how the Politicians Koushik and Prashanth keep everyone believe that we performed well in stage, with their hyper positive words. Peak of Illusion!

Couple more writeups on Tamil (தமிழ்) Hypocrisy:

  1. Happy தன்ங்lish புத்தாண்டு நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்
  2. Jallikattu and Tamil Culture – Revolution or Hypocritism?
  3. Jallikattu – Battle is won. What Next?

Urvasi Urvasi by Tamilnadu Yatris @ Deoria

The Intense BGT work is over with today with the Epic Tamil incident 😀

For other day experiences, visit the Summary page.

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