Took the coldest bath ever @ 7 degree C. Couldn’t feel my feet till I did a quick jog in Rajgiri railway station. Decided to spend the whole day with regular clothes. No sweater, socks. Just regular clothing as in Chennai. To see just how much I can push my body and mind, despite serious recommendations from People to wear clothes and save myself from Cold. Our BGT Team gathered over in Bus 9 and freezed on doing something in Solar. We also took our roles and I took role of CFO -> Chief Financial Officer 😛

To Nalanda Ruins
Myself, Arush and Hitesh roamed over the Ruins together. Amazing place! Just the thought of People coming from all over the world to this Place in search of Knowledge and wisdom, gives me Goosebumps. But how we maintain it today is a BIG SHAME. To keep up with the cold, did some 3 – 4 rounds of Sprinting inside the open ground Monastries of Nalanda. It even started sweating. This inner heat should be enough for the whole day, I believe.

To Rajgir International Convention Center
We reached this convention center by 12 noon, had lunch there, took a Group pic of 500 people. Got chance to speak with A Buddhist monk. Got any insights into Dalai Lama selection process.

Then the sessions started in the Center. Presentation on Economic growth by sectors by Shashank mani, followed by plan and roadmap for Deoria, Jagriti – Strategy document. The 1 liner is to How India can and should become a 10 trillion dollar economy by 2034. Of all things, 1 statement that comforted me was this:
But we can’t take traditional approach to achieve this goals. That will burst the Planet.
Shashank, I am super glad. Thanks for taking Climate Change into account!
Panel discussion – Make culture work, Must for Enterprises
Couldn’t control myself and slept through this discussion. Still took some notes.
[Have noted COMPLETE details in my Notebook. Need help in formatting it properly and post it here]
Session ended with `How to structure your BGT Presentation session`, which was very helpful.

Back to Train
We got back to train by night and again BGT brainstorming.
For other day experiences, visit the Summary page.