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4 months – Quarantine period

2 Mins read

It’s March mid that we initiated Work from Home because of Covid threat. Fast forward 4 months, it’s been a 180 degree change in various aspects of life. This post is just to share some interesting parts of it.

1. Amma Unavagam Site

Couple of times I came across this PDF link shared in few Ngo whatsapp groups. It’s a link to the PDF listing all Amma Unavagams in Chennai in Chennai Corporation website. It has about 400+ listing, while quick check on Google maps shown only 200+ centers.

Thought making a quick PWA website and making this PDF easily searchable might help someone. But also not sure how much tech savy, Amma unavagam customers will be. So spent 1 day in dev and 2-3 in brushing up by SEO -jutsu and launched the site:

Site URL:

Submitted to Google webmasters and thought of adding more functionalities and info, if the site starts getting traffic. Fast forward 4 months, the site gets about 10-20 users / month. Nothing more.


2. Corona is the Cure Video

Made a video on why I actually think Corona is the cure to the planet and the Humanity in the long term. Not a proper informative post, but just a rant. The video turned out to be Why Humans are the Virus than Why Corona is the Cure. Anyways, here is the video and linked blog post:

3. Some fun

Finished the looong due Planet Earth II, with Mom. Both of us enjoyed it to the most. Must watch for any Nature lovers.

And very much surprised to know a full documentary on Wildlife of Karnataka, narrated by David Attenborough himself is just available in Youtube. Thanks to Nithya for referring this. Here it is:
It’s bloody awesome. Just watch it.

4. Some Learning

Completed the long due ‘How to start a Startup‘ series by Y-Combinator and just last week signed up on their Startup School.

Recently am realizing my focus level was not like before. Initial Grassroots time, I can site 5-6 hours straight with a deep focus mode, where I accomplish so much in a short time forgetting the entire world. But after doing/handling multiple client projects each day for almost 1.5 to 2 years now, where I just don’t manage, but also required to get into the depths, my god mode focus is gone.

So started practising Concentration/Focus recently, in all things I do. (This guy is very good in giving clarity on practising Focus:

dandapani on attachments

5. Work updates

On work side, launched following Sites for our clients:

  1. Kays photography
  2. Global Prime barters
  3. Oxygen Band
  4. Server – Security update
    1. Migrated all our sites from our old not so secure server to a Super secure new server. Big thanks to Ashok in assisting me in doing this.
  5. Bitcoin – Full blockchain sync
    1. Syncing the entire Bitcoin chain to my external HD, to have my own full node going forward.
    2. Can’t wait to run Lightning node over it and run Lightning apps as well!!!

and the Jedi Practice – Continues…

Cycling along the lines of Bay of Bengal <3
Made amma do Plank. Corona times!
Raw food continues
And watching those lovely passing clouds!
Yayyy!! Achievement unlocked – Back bridge!

6. Dream

Apart from all above things was working on the most exciting thing of my life. Though not as planned, was able to work on it more than I expected. Thanks again to Corona. It deserves a separate blog post, which is to be published soon, as an official blog post…

Stay tuned…

And finally Thanks to Beulah Sharon for putting tremendous efforts in moving my blog from blogspot to wordpress.

Must Must Must watch

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