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Camping in Maya Nursing Home

2 Mins read
Last Wednesday (16/06/10), my friend Jyothi Swaroop texted me that he is having severe stomach ache and is going to be admitted on Hospital. The moment I heard this, I thought he was exaggerating as he always do. Later, I called him and he told me that he is having Kidney stones. I adviced him that Kidney stones are not very big issue and can be resolved by taking tablets for few months.

The next day, suddenly he undergone a surgery to remove one of the stone in Maya Nursing home, Ashok Nagar. Actually he had two stones. One of size 6 mm and the other of size 11 mm. That 11 mm stone seems to be a big threat causing so much pain and so the doctors removed it immediately. I never thought things like these will happen. That day evening, I went to hospital to see him crying in pain. That day I stayed with him the whole night trying to reduce his pain by making him concentrate towards some other things. Various things from Naruto, DBZ, Matrix and various other fantasies helped us in relieving his pain a little.
On Friday (18/06/10), he was taken to some hospital in Aminjikarai to get rid of the other stone still in the Kidney. But since he was having fever at that time, he was sent back, without undergoing the treatment. It was the fault on Maya Nursing Home, for sending him to Aminjikarai without checking his status. More on Maya Nursing home later.
He got the next appointment to go to Aminjikarai Hospital yesterday(22/06/10) only. He went to the hospital yesterday and successfully undergone the painful treatment. Now the stones are removed, but still the docs says that he will be having pain for 10 more days. He will get discharged and go home today night, well and good.
A few words about Maya Nursing Home:
Its the worst hospital I ever seen. There were a few incidents that made me feel this way. Those incidents when explained will lose their essence. So here I write them as they happened:
Chief Doc: Sir, you better take a X-Ray so we get to know the status.
Jyo’s Father(Uncle): OK
(Doc leaves)
Uncle to Nurse: Isnt that X-Ray alreaady taken a few days back.
Nurse: hmmm.. yeah.. leave it then. No need of it..
All I can say is WTF.
Another day, that Chief Doc came again and Uncle told her about the symptoms Jyo had. She had no idea, what to tell. So, she called another doctor, explained him all those symptoms and consulted with him.
And another day that noobish Doc told JyothiSwaroop to drink TOMATO SOUP so that he will feel better.
So, I recommend everyone to avoid this hospital whatever critical situation you are in. There are plenty of other decent hospitals out there. Please avoid this one.

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