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An Adventurous Sunday – Full of Life

6 Mins read
In my recent blog posts, I can only see some extreme ideological based posts, posts that none in the world understands and such. So here writing on a regular Sunday, that is mashed up with awesome activities in Chennai 🙂 Associate yourself with couple of NGOs and contribute a little of your time for the betterment of the society and Life would be awesome in ways, which YOU CAN NEVER IMAGINE 🙂 (y)

Alarm at 3.30 AM !

Its been months since I gave my poor little Nimbus (Cycle) a bath and so decided to wash it today before going to events. So this CRUEL alarm at 3.30 AM. The event was to volunteer in marina beach @ 5.30 AM and I planned to start from home at 4.30 AM. But unfortunately, clean up took more time than expected and I got ready by 4.45 only and made a quick start.

Called up Surya, Gurubaran, Pavithra as they are also joining and they were already ready.

Though I started late, my clean oiled cycle and zero traffic in early morning helped me to reach the spot at 5.25 AM. Started with blessing from my Grandpa, The Legend, Gandhiji and jumped into the event, while other `Thozhan`s were on their way.

Be the change, you wish to see in the world !

Running for Eureka Child Foundation

It was a massive running event organised by `Eureka Child Foundation` as a fundraiser campaign to support for Educational requirements for deserving students in villages of Tamil Nadu. A very noble cause, indeed.

“Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day.Teach a man to fish and he will eat for lifetime”;Whereas these people are teaching our Children to build a Fishing Boat !

We went to a eureka organizer to get some tasks assigned. Myself and Gurubaran were told to hold the banners; Surya and Pavithra were to distribute water to runners. We went to our positions and started our work, meanwhile other Thozhan’s Rajesh Kanna, Muthu Vijayan, Radhakrishnan, Yazhini, Hitesh Empower, Karthik Pandy and all other joined and took up some task 🙂

Runners ready to GO

Coffee with Gurubaran 😛

Myself and Guru focused on keeping the banner straight for everyone’s view and we focused nothing else, except for the one thing 🙂 It was DD, Divya Darshini who came to inaugurate the event. Initially, there was too much crowd around her and we couldn’t even get a glimpse of her. We tried jumping and did all our martial art techniques but in vein. Guru was telling to me, “Anna DD ah vara sollittu, nammala ipdi oorama banner pudikka vechittangale”.

Event started, whistle blown, and runners started racing. Then news channels came in and are about to interview DD and they needed some nice background for the shoot. Guess what? They picked our banner as a good background; DD and everyone else came near us and she was like a arm distance away from us. Guru was soo emotional and almost crying 😛

Everyone was taking snaps with her and I know guru would be expecting the same. But for his (super star) status, he can’t go and ask her. Things should happen around and it happened. DD managed to have a “Coffee with Guru” session and here is the proof (Warning: This paragraph might be twisted for reader’s interest and might be faaar away from Truth)

Eppudi ??? Seee, she is looking at my Cam of all 🙂 😛

Dip in the Ocean

Event over by 7 AM as planned, other Thozhan’s were busy with post event activities. So the Fantastic Four (Me, Surya, Guru, Pavithra) went to beach, but only once decided to swim in Tsunami and yeah that’s me 🙂 Been months since I had fun in sea and got bunch of time before I attend to next event. So prepared myself and jumped in the water. This is the epic moment of the whole day 😀

Then we left around 7.45. Next is to Isha nursery, Kodungaiyur for Sapling distribution event. We were fully energetic after the rest in Beach and started with full swing. Surya told they will come in bike slowly in par with my cycle speed, so we go together. Half way through beach road, the disaster happened. My cycle got punctured; All of us were upset!

This is LIFE !!!

Made it to Kodungaiyur atlast !

Then we made up our mind and decided to part. Surya / Guru will go to nursery, and get things ready for distribution. Arun Prasad will join them there directly. Meanwhile, I am to fix my cycle and go there asap.

Thanks to Ashok Rajendran / Pavithra for remote assisting to find cycle shop in mylapore, in sunday morning. Got my nimbus fixed and flied to Kodungaiyur. But time was 10.45 already

Surya spoke to sapling requesters, packed the requested saplings, and also bought Bovonto bottle for volunteers. Perfect organizing, I would say 🙂

Saplings ready for Distribution

Distribution starts and Bus Chase

Myself and Arun are assigned to just 2 requests nearby nursery and in Manali. Since its doubles now, we switched pedalling and shared the honor (of pedalling my Nimbus). We distributed 5 saplings to 2 people and now its time to return.

Arun was pedalling to Manali bus stand and we were discussing on how he would go back, what bus to catch, where to go to CMBT / Park / Central. Suddenly, we noticed a bus to Guindy I.E. crossing us in opposite direction and I was shouting “Arun, Arun, there a direct bus goes” ….. “Bus we missed it” ….

“Anna wait, we can chase it and catch”, Arun

“Hard, but shall we try?”, Sai

A fellow citizen watching us shouted at us, “Dai stupids, stop speaking and start chasing. There are 3 big speed breakers before next stop. Bus will go very slowly, you shall definitely catch”.

That Zen Moment occured !! 😛

We reveresed and Arun chased like anything and you know what? we chased it down and he boarded the bus. Hurraayyy (y)

Next Target: Choolaimedu and Disaster No. 2

I am to meet a good friend, Venky sir in Choolaimedu by 2 PM to discuss on some RTI / civic projects. Had a lemon juice in manali for energy boost and started pedalling at full swing. I was crossing Mathur, when I felt something not right in my cycle seat. I stopped the cycle and tried to adjust the seat, but the seat literally came off the cycle. Wow, why Nimbus is doing all this today to me ! I kept it as it is and started pedalling, since not much time to find a cycle shop and fix it.

A call came, stopped, attended it and lifted my leg to sit on. Then Disaster No. 2 happened.

DAAARRRR“. My pant tore in the back for nearly 15 cms 🙁 🙁

WTH !!!

Why all this in a single today???

Mind Voice, “Calm down, Calm down. You just dont get down hereafter. Just keep pedalling and no one would notice”. But still I am to meet Venky sir, what to do?

Called up Thanikavel, Sudan to get some emergency pant, but they were not available. Then Nirmal Lakshman jumped in for rescue. Got a pant from him in Anna Nagar Roundtana. But where I would make the switch? Dont know !

Change Plan: Direct to CSS Office

Called up Venky sir and told the scenario and we postponed our meet to evening. So, I shall now go to CSS office for the “Child Abuse Prevention” meeting and change myself there. Reached CSS office early @ 3.15 PM, since the previous meet was postponed. Pon Murugan was there already and he opened the office. Changed myself to new pants of Nirmal and WHAT A RELIEF !!!!!!!!
Kanchan, Venkat, Swami sir, Sasi, Ashwin, Pavithra, Akshyaa, Charu, Rathi mam and many others came in. Few bought in their parents. After several longs years, first initiative on `Child Abuse Prevention`, thanks to the initiative of Kanchan and Pon Murugan who joined her in preparing the presentation materials. It was more of the casual discussion with the parents rather than a formal seminar session and it was good and enlightening. Surprise visit by Kothandapani. More on the session will be posted in CSS blog and will provide the link to it, once its up.
Special thanks to Ashwin / Kanchan for Chocolate distribution 🙂 Yummy, it was 🙂
Then cycled back to home, dropping Pon Murugan while on the way. Home, sweet home, my comfort zone! Much tired also. So called up Venky sir, explained my status and postponed meet to wednesday !

Angular.js Online Course for Traffic Violation Portal (TVP)

Then had dinner and finished an online lesson in Angular.js (and got a badge), that I am studying for Traffic Violation Portal front end development. Thasnim, our PHP developer for TVP and a good friend who was working on server development pinged me and we had a mini hangout meet on the server work.
Things were awesome today, except for Disaster No. 1 and Disaster No. 2,  But then again, it is life right? both ups and downs. It would have been complete and fully satisfied, If myself and Venky sir got to meet. Just that thing missed, otherwise, a good looong day it is 🙂 😀 (y)

Being at the edge of the Comfort Zone itself is feeling awesome, how cool it would be when we get out !!!
My role model Peter Van Geit in this regard 🙂

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